The Drownings

Marilena Samboura Die Athenerin Marilena Samboura hat schon mehrfach auf überzeugende Art ihre Eigenstandigkeit und die Dynamik ihrer persönlichen Ausdrucksweise unter Beweis gestellt. Ihre stilistische Ausrichtung nach dem Studiengang Graphik, in dem sie ihr Diplom an der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Athen, erwarb, war in den strengen Konturen ihrer frühen Zeichnung noch erkennbar, bei einer …


Dimensions of Private Space and Aesop’s Fables

The painterly world of Marilena Zamboura grew progressively over time, starting from the 1980s and her first exhibitions. Since then she has been (re-) shaping her own particular painterly physiognomy which requires some special keys to be decoded. A mature artist now, she continues to enrich or change the images and experiences that shaped her …


Search for a face, Angel-carpet dealer

Search for a face, Jewish museum of Greece, Athens, Angel-carpet dealer, Yeni Mosque-Thessaloniki Between human and beyond: The mitigation of the intermediary space of art. Thoughts for the exhibition by four painters of the Jewish Museum of Greece …Marilena Zamboura’s painting on first sight is juicy, outgoing, and talkative. The human figures descending vaguely from the …


Les Enfants Terribles, The Artist’s Signature

In Pursuit of Weightlessness The apotheosis of 60s and 70s avant-garde innovation was followed by its “end” in the early 80s – an ending that was at the same time the beginning of a post- avant-garde art termed by philosopher Jean-Frangois Lyotard le condition post- moderne.”This climate of “change” in visual-art discourse was marked by …



ON MARILENA ZAMBOURA’S PAINTINGS, OR THE CONVENTION OF TIME AND SPACE Beyond the limits of grief there is nothing but the convention of time and space. Hölderling Art is a device of the imagination that investigates the limits of space and time altering the route of History. The short but explosive tradition of Modernism, on …


Die Jahreszeiten

LANDSCHAFT. NATURSCHÖPFUNG UND MENSCHENWERK, NEUE ARBEITEN VON MARILENA SAMBOURA Die ausgeprägte Malkultur, die genuin malerische Thematik, die frühgeschichtliche und aktuelle Zeit- und Raumerfahrung parallelisieren, machen die Tafelbilder zum temperamentvoll kontrasireichen, künstlerischen Ereignis. Marilena Samboura lebt in Athen, sie hat dort und in Paris studiert, sie hat aktiven Anteil mil eigenen Ausstellurtgen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen am gegenwärtigen …


Early works

  “CONTEMPORARY GREEK ARTISTS”VANTAGE PRESS,N.Y. Chapter 80 Marilena Zamboura 1981 . . . I have often written about derivative artists. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to get away from them. Maybe we should say that the DEGREE to which they depend on other artists for inspira­tion, or the degree to which the inspiration comes from their …
